LA County Close Up 224
Lifeguard training program, Domestic Worker Protections, Interview: increase in Cal Fresh benefits,...
11:21DCFS Quincenera, Interview: DCFS Juana Aguila. on need for foster families, Non-citizen county worke...
12:56Booster shots available, LACFD therapy dog, Carved at Descanso Gardens, Pinata exhibit, Essential Jo...
11:04Wolf Connection, Advanced Child Tax Credit program, Bruce's Beach, Voting Drive for formerly incarce...
16:05Friends of the Children, Vote Centers, Housing for formerly incarcerated, Earthworks Farm in El Mont...
12:30Super Scoopers arrive, new anti-racism initiative, small business assistance, foster youth event, Wh...
15:44On the first episode of El Condado Contigo—LA County’s new Spanish language news-magazine show, meet...
14:04Teachers Dive Into STEM, LA vs. Hate mural, Back to School Backpack giveaway, LA vs. Hate sandcastle...
16:49In-home vaccinations, Library vaccinations, Bell Health Center Opens, Marina Del Rey Library Reopens...